How to install Zend Optimizer

How to Install Zend Optimizer/Encoder on cPanel/WHM

Zend Optimiser is a PHP addon which offers caching to improve speed when loading sites, it can increase perfomance by up to 40% by caching frequently viewed portions of PHP pages. Zend Encoder also is useful for
encoding PHP files to protect source code.

To install Zend Optimizer:

1. Login to your server via SSH
2. Run: /scripts/installzendopt
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to install Zend Optimizer

How to install zend optimizer on other than Cpanel

Run this command
cd /usr/local/src;wget ; tar -xzvf Z* ; cd Zend* ; ./install

For InterWorx

write zend optimizer lines from php.ini to /php-cgi.ini
You can check for php-cgi.ini location from
whereis php-cgi.ini

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